Raze Two Wiki

All of the Sky9 wikis have a lot of ugly pages, pages that need to be deleted, unfinished pages that no one will bother finishing, and a lot of uncreated pages no one will bother creating, and the SFH2 wiki even has a fucking joke page.

I want you all to go to the Madness Combat Wiki. I want you to read it, examine it, and take examples from it. I want the wikis' templates based on the MCW's templates, I want the wikis organized like the MCW, and, well, just overall based on the MCW, and the wikis will look a lot better.

I also want you guys to take examples from the Fig Hunter Wiki. That wiki is at a similar level of maintenance as the MCW, but that has some things that the MCW doesn't, and vice versa.

Now, I am not saying I want you guys to turn these wikis into wikis about Madness Combat or Fig Hunter. Nowhere near that. I just want the wikis at a similar level of maintenance as the Madness Combat Wiki and Fig Hunter Wiki.

Thank you.
